When you’re able to dedicate yourself to something without any excuses, the same focus and energy make its way into all areas of your life.
From business to lifestyle, the pandemic has changed so much for us. While the lockdown and social distancing norms have proven to be the most successful ways to keep us safe from the virus, this solution has caused bumps in careers, businesses, and future plans. That being said, at the end of the day, nothing can stop you from achieving your goals. Whether it’s business goals or fitness goals, if you are serious about them, you will get creative, use the resources you have, and find a way.
Many call me a fitness enthusiast. Throughout the COVID-19 storm, I haven’t skipped even a day of my gym training. I am lucky to have my own gym and pool facilities, and I have tried my best to make the most of them. Especially during times like these – it’s been helpful to exercise and release all possible worries. The time I spend in the gym helps me step into my day with more clarity and confidence.
My fitness regime includes a combination of cardio, weight training, yoga, kickboxing, and Pilates. I also run 45k a week.
Life is full of challenges, it’s inevitable – so it’s all about getting creative and making the most of what you have! Dream big, be loyal to your goals, and take action without excuses. Pursuing my fitness goals with consistency helps me show up as a better entrepreneur every single day.