We are all living in an alternate reality. A reality we did not know could even be possible a few months back.
The Junta Curfew – as a voluntary lockdown in the wake of the Covid-19 Pandemic was the first step. The actual lockdown was initiated on the 25th of March 2020 and it continues.
Much has been written on India’s economic impact because of this lockdown and how India has sacrificed economics to save lives while other countries have prioritized economies over lives.
The impact of COVID on the Indian Economy & Construction Industry
It’s quite clear that the lockdown has come at a tremendous cost but has without doubt saved hundreds of thousands of people and has in turn allowed the healthcare system to focus on those that need critical care and treatment.
It is difficult to think of a business that has not been impacted by the covid-19 pandemic. However, for the Indian real estate sector, the impact of the crisis is a double whammy.
The construction industry in India is the second-largest employer after the agriculture sector.
The sector, especially the residential segment, has already been struggling with project delays, regulatory changes and low sales for the last few years.
The quantum of impact will depend on how long the lockdown will last and how long the economy will take to get back on track.
In this whole mess, I feel the maximum havoc has been felt by our labourers and migrant workers.
Keeping our Workers First
Everyone talks about building a relationship with your customer. I think you build one with your employees first.
Keeping the welfare of our workers in mind we have created a shelter for around 2,000 of our workers at various projects and we’ve discouraged them to travel back home during the lockdown by ensuring adequate food, water and sanitary supply at these shelters.
We are even continuing with their salaries as there are families out there who don’t have that comfort and we are trying to keep their lives as normal as possible.
Keeping our head high and mind without fear
This pandemic is far from over and the cascading effects that it shall trigger are yet to come to the fore, simply because people are too busy dealing with the Virus at the moment.
I sincerely pray and hope that this pandemic is controlled swiftly at a global level and a cure/vaccine is found as soon as possible.
But at this moment, my mantra to keep it going.
Having a mindset of trying to improve by just 1% each day can have a large effect over time, whether that’s working on your business, your health, hobbies, personal development…there is always something we can do to improve.
At this moment, taking ownership for your business, for your future, for your workers, for your family is the only thing that will help you win in this pandemic.
There is light at the end of the tunnel, and we will all be back at our life once again soon.
Do the best you can to be ready, OWN IT.