I’ve always dreamt big. I now own a luxury real estate company with 3 greatly successful projects, each piece of work designed for the crème-de-la-crème who are looking for a residence that matches the grand lifestyle they’re born into.
When we’re young, we find it easy to dream big. We find it easy to look at somebody who is achieving amazing things and immediately think to ourselves, “This is what I want to be someday!” How many times have you seen a child look at a cool sports car and immediately say, “Wow! I’d love to drive this someday!” or even, “Wow, I’d love to make such cars someday!”
As adults – we hesitate. We stop ourselves the second we begin to think about what we really want for ourselves. We’re too scared to even admit what we’d love to do someday. The fear of failure creeps in even before we consciously realise it.
What’s worked for me? I’ve never said ‘no’ to myself when I get grand ideas. Instead, I get curious! I allow myself to be inspired by my ideas and what those around me are achieving.
My advice to you would be to sit down with yourself, visualise these big dreams, say Yes to yourself.
Only when you even allow yourself to acknowledge your big dreams and grand ideas can you even begin to put in the work!
I’ve always given my dreams the power to pull me forward. And even if things don’t work as exactly as planned – it still leads you where you’re meant to be. So dream big and put in the work, it’s simple (but most definitely not easy!)