3 lessons I learned from my idol Donald Trump
“Sometimes your best investments are the ones you don’t make”- Donald Trump
Trump’s candidacy was viewed as a joke but despite all the backslash faced by him, he stood undeterred and never let anyone come between him and his dreams.
When Trump announced that he was building one of the tallest residential towers, TRUMP TOWER, a lot of people were skeptical. But he proved everyone wrong. I was highly inspired by not just his actions but his ability to think to such an extent, which is commendable. When people come out of nowhere and suddenly surprise the world, I always sit up and pay attention, as there is always something new that you can learn.
- Winning is everything – there are no ‘participation’ trophies in the real world
When the youngsters at a very early age are being told that participation alone is adequate, they are being set up for failures. My favorite attribute about Trump is that he never sets out to be a participant in anything. His only goal is to win and nothing less. Such attitude is important for every entrepreneur to adopt.
- Your only limit is You – be confident
The only way to lead a successful life is to believe in yourself. This can be only possible when you are confident enough to deal with every situation coming your way. When you are confident and start every day knowing that you will succeed, there’s only winning and no losing or looking back.
- Use past as an impetus to move forward
The key to be successful in every phase of life is perseverance and knowing how your success and failures are to be used to achieve your next goal. And Donald Trump is a master at this. He has not been only through success all his life but also had his share of failures. He has used his failures as an experience to be a better man and be successful, and this is what exactly an entrepreneur must do. Each experience is an opportunity to learn and using the past as an impetus is the key to success.